On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, D3 Office Administration study program, FEB UNSOED held a public lecture, “Career Transformation in Office Administration in the Digital Era,” with Dr. Rasto, M.Pd. He currently serves as Chair II of the Asosiasi Sarjana dan Praktisi Administrasi Perkantoran Indonesia (ASPAPI) and a lecturer at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Bandung. The discussion material is divided into four subtopics, namely (1) Digital Era ADP Career Opportunities and Challenges, (2) Digital Age ADP Trends, (3) Digital Age ADP Skills, and (4) Digital Age ADP Study.
Dr. Rasto explained that the scope of work of an office administration graduate ‘seeps’ into all business fields, including Event Organizer, Receptionist, Personnel Staff, Secretary, and Administrative Staff. The career path that can be achieved is also possible to reach a high level. However, it should be noted that many jobs will be drastically reduced in the fully automated era, from telemarketers to couriers and mail clerks. On the other hand, many jobs will still remain and grow, especially those requiring direct human involvement in their implementation.
To survive in the digital era, an office administration graduate needs to continue to learn or become a knowledge seeker to constantly be motivated to enrich himself with new knowledge and abilities. In this regard, Dr. Rasto gave an example of modern office trends, such as cloud-based technology, mobile workforce, computer-aided facility management, bring your device, virtual receptionist, paperless office, and many more.
The key to success emphasized by Dr. Rasto is formulated as digital skills. These digital skills include data and information literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, digital security, and problem-solving skills. In the fourth subtopic, Dr. Rasto explained the digital era office administration study framework through a model.
Since the beginning of this public lecture, Dr. Rasto immediately invited students to participate actively and interactively. The students enthusiastically expressed their opinions when asked to discuss. One of the critical points raised by the students was the concrete steps that must be taken to remain competitive and survive in the digital era. Continuing to enrich oneself by mastering new technologies and honing problem-solving through lecture assignments are steps that must be taken to stay ahead.
(Written by Ronald Haryanto, B.Eng., S.H., M.B.A.)