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Landmark to Create the Future.

Be apart of our history

Education to Create the Future.

Be apart of our history

Discipline to Create the Future.


Years of

About Our Faculty

A few words
about the Faculty

FEB Unsoed emphasizes fostering local entrepreneurship, supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and applying local wisdom in sustainable economic practices

Building Trust

We are committed to
building trust

Trusted by Students

Most trusted & recommended
by students

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Academic Programs

Focusing on high education with the best quality.

Department of Management

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Business & Administration

Bachelor of Accounting

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Bachelor of Economics

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Bachelor of Economics Education

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Master Of Management

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Master Of Accounting

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Master Of Economics

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Doctor of Management

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Doctor of Economics

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Doctor of Accounting

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

Accounting Professional Program

The Economics Major can be combined
with a Major in another subject in order Double Major Degree.

iconprograme Economics

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What Students Says

"Bersyukur untuk berkesempatan menjadi mahasiswa di FEB UNSOED. Perkuliahan dosen-dosen yang mengajarkan ilmu-ilmu  pengetahuan. Organisasi kemahasiswaan yang mengajarkan sikap terhadap ilmu  pengetahuan. FEB UNSOED menyediakan semua hal berharga itu untuk mewujudkan lulusan yang berkarakter yang mampu berfikir dan bersikap solutif atas berbagai macam permasalahan yang harus dihadapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Carpe diem!"

Master Irfan Ibrahim, Manajemen 2005


“Percaya bahwa hidup adalah soal persiapan, dan Kampus FEB Unsoed adalah ruang yang telah mempersiapkan para Alumninya menjadi maju. Zaman berubah, FEB Unsoed harus terus bergerak. Ambil momentum mencerdaskan bangsa.”

Pramito Wibowo, Akuntansi 2002


“Berkesempatan 4 tahun menimba ilmu tidak hanya untuk mendapat gelar akademis tapi juga berorganisasi dan bertumbuh dilingkungan sederhana namun memegang teguh nilai budi pekerti. Serta senantiasa terdidik penuh integritas dalam berkarya. Kualitas seperti itu pula yang banyak tercermin dari rekan-rekan saya sesama alumni unsoed. Terima kasih Unsoed almamaterku”

Annisa Ika Rahmawati, IESP 2003


Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jl. Profesor DR. HR Boenyamin No.708 Purwokerto, Central Java Province, 53122

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