Business Administration study program is currently accredited “EXCELLENT / UNGGUL”
Vision of the D3 Business Administration Study Program:
In 2030 it will become a superior study program in the field of applied Financial Administration and as a center for providing quality workforce and oriented to regional businesses with a global perspective.
Mission of the D3 Business Administration Study Program:
Improving the quality of education in an integrated concept and practice to produce graduates who master the field of financial administration, have a competitive advantage and can adapt to stakeholder needs.
Increase the quality and quantity of research in accordance with the development of MSMEs and rural-based economies that have a global perspective and publish scientific works at the national and international levels for the benefit of society.
Increasing the quality and amount of community service at the national and international levels which results are useful for the business world, government and society.
Establishing mutually beneficial cooperation between study programs and stakeholders through field practice programs in order to achieve professional human resources who can adjust to stakeholder needs.
Dokumen Kurikulum
The main competencies of graduates of the D3-Business Administration Study Program are as follows:
No | Competency | Courses |
1. | Able to carry out business processes and administration | Introduction to Accounting I & II Management Accounting Cost accounting Taxation Financial Computers Introductory Accounting Practices Cost Accounting Practicum Corporate Budget Practices Practical Financial Statement Analysis Introduction to Computers |
2. | Able to provide alternative solutions in the business administration process | Management information System Civil Law / Business Law Company Budget |
3. | Able to lead, communicate ideas in business transactions | Business communication Management |
4. | Able to solve work problems in the business field | Financial mathematics HR Management I and II Marketing Management I and II Financial Management I and II Operational Management I and II |
5. | Able to carry out business initiatives to develop entrepreneurial activities | Entrepreneurship Business communication |
6. | The ability to create new businesses as an entrepreneur | Entrepreneurship Business communication |
“marketing officer, human resource
development officer, accounting officer, administrative assistant, dan
professional administrative yang adaptif dan berintegritas”