AIMA FEB 2023 will be held from Wednesday, September 20 2023 to Wednesday, October 4 2023.
- On Wednesday, September 20 2023, AIMA was held for the D3 Office Administration Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessor Dr. Nanang Martono, S.Si., M.Si and Dyah Tjaturrini, SS., M.Si
- On Wednesday, September 20 2023, AIMA was held for the Undergraduate Management Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessors Drs. Hery Pratiknyo, M. Si., and Prof. Dr. Slamet Rosyadi, M.Sc.
- On Friday, September 22 2023, AIMA was held for the Doctoral Study Program in Economics at the Integrated Laboratory Meeting Room, 5th Floor, with assessor Mekar Dwi Anggraeni, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Ph.D. and Dr. Ir. Saparso, MP.
- On Friday, September 22 2023, AIMA was held for the Accounting Doctoral Study Program at the Integrated Laboratory Meeting Room, 5th Floor, with assessor Prof. Dr. Saryono, S.Kp., M.Kes. and Dr. Muslih Faozanudin, M.Sc.
- On Friday, September 22 2023, AIMA was held for the Accounting Masters Study Program at the Integrated Laboratory Meeting Room, 5th Floor, with assessor Dr. Mite Setiansah, S.IP, M.Sc. and Dr. Abdul Aziz Ahmad, SE., M.Sc.
- On Monday, September 25 2023, AIMA was held for the D3 International Business Study Program at the Integrated Laboratory Meeting Room, 5th Floor, with assessor Dr. Soetji Lestari, M.Sc. and Dr. Tundjung Linggarwati, S.IP., M.Si.
- On Monday, September 25 2023, AIMA was held for the Development Economics Undergraduate Study Program at the Integrated Laboratory Meeting Room, 5th Floor, with assessor Dr. Soetji Lestari, M.Sc. and Dr. Trisnowati Budi Ambarningrum, M.Si.
- On Monday, September 25 2023, AIMA was held for the D3 Accounting Study Program at the 5th Floor Integrated Laboratory Meeting Room with assessor Dr Abdul Aziz Nasihuddin, SH., MM., MH. and Ruly Eko Kusuma Kurniawan, SP., MP.
- On Wednesday, September 27 2023, AIMA was held for the Master of Management Science Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessor Prof. Dr. Slamet Rosyadi, S.Sos., M.Si. and Dr. Laeli Budiarti, SE., M.Si., Ak.
- On Friday, September 29 2023, AIMA was held for the Master of Economics Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessors Drs. Achmad Sudjadi, M.Sc., Ph. D. and Prof. Dr. Dwiyanto Indiahono, S.Sos, M.Sc.
- On Friday, September 29 2023, AIMA was held for the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessor Dr. Elis Puspitasari, M.Sc. and Dr. Nastain, ST., MT.
- On Friday, September 29 2023, AIMA was held for the Accounting Professional Education Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessor Dr. Ignatius Suksmadi Sutoyo, M.Sc. and Dr. Isti Handayani, S.TP, MP.
- On Monday, October 2 2023, AIMA was held for the Management Science Doctoral Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessor Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarto, M.S. and Prof. Amin Fatoni, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
- On Monday, October 2 2023, AIMA was held for the D3 Business Administration Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessor Dr. Masrukin, M.Sc. and Dr. Diana Retna USR, MP.
- On Wednesday, October 4 2023, AIMA was held for the Economic Education Undergraduate Study Program at the Senate Meeting Room, Roedhiro Building, with assessor Dr. Masrukin, M.Sc. and Dr. Drs. Ngadiman, M. Kes.
The event ran smoothly, attended by the Quality Assurance Team, the Dean, the Heads of Study Programs and the AIMA document drafting team from each study program. (By. Karina Odia J.)