Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
By 2034, Faculty of Economics and Business is globally recognized as a centre of excellence for business and local economic development.
1. To provide sustainable education for future graduates with good morality, leadership, and dedication academically and professionally to remain competitive and adaptive.
2. To undertake consistent research for progressive economic science and policy development, and disseminate the output.
3. To conduct community services for regional economy economic development, and disseminate the output.
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of our students successfully graduate and begin their career development.
Acadia University is a distinguished public university, values learning in the liberal arts and sciences as a cornerstone of individual development and a vital foundation.We will ensure that our students develop both the skills that a sound education provides and the competencies essential for success and leadership in the emerging creative economy.
We will also lead to generating practical and theoretical knowledge that enables people to better understand our world and improve conditions for local and global communities.
A phone with an Internet connection, and we recommend
that you bring a charger.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jl. Profesor DR. HR Boenyamin No.708 Purwokerto, Central Java Province, 53122