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March 22, 2023

UNSOED Students Get International Achievement

International-level achievements were again made by Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Unsoed) students from across faculties and study programs. The team won two awards at once, namely the first “Gold Medal: The Category of Protection of Environment, Energy, Water, and Sanitation” and the second “Special Award of Promising Young Entrepreneur by the National STEM Association” at the […]

March 10, 2023

Focus Group Discussion D4 Manajemen Perkantoran Digital FEB UNSOED

Dalam mentrasformasikan Program Studi Administrasi Perkantoran (D3) menjadi D4 Manajemen Perkantoran Digital, Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Unsoed Selenggarakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) D4 Manajemen Perkantoran Digital FEB Unsoed yang bertempat di Gedung Lab Lt 5, Kamis (9/3). Serta dalam FGD ini menghadirkan Narasumber Dosen Vokasi Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Rahmat Yuliawan, S.E., M.M. Focus Group Discussion […]

March 9, 2023

FGD D4 Digital Office – Management FEB UNSOED

In order to transform the Office Administration Study Program (D3) into the D4 Digital Office Management program, the Faculty of Economics and Business held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on D4 Digital Office Management on Thursday, March 9th, on the 5th floor of the Lab Building. Rahmat Yuliawan, S.E., M.M., the presenting vocational lecturer at […]

March 7, 2023

Paparan dan Diskusi Akreditasi International AACSB Bersama Dekan UI

Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Jenderal Soedirman terima kunjungan dari Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) dalam rangka Paparan dan Diskusi Akreditasi International AACSB yang bertempat di Gedung Roedhiro Lt.3, Senin (6/3). Rombongan FEB UI dipimpin langsung oleh Dekan beserta Wakil Dekan beserta para Tenaga Pendidik dan Tim AACSB yang diterima langsung oleh […]

March 2, 2023

FEB Unsoed Jalin Kerjasama dengan  FE Universitas Sriwijaya

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Unsoed tandatangani kerjasama dengan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI) yang bertempat di Gedung Laboratorium Lt 5, Rabu (1/3). Dalam kegiatan ini turut hadir Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis beserta para Wakil Dekan, para Kaprodi FEB UNSOED serta dari Pihak FE UNSRI dipimpin langsung oleh Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi beserta Wakil Dekan, Kajur […]

March 1, 2023

FEB Unsoed Collaborates with Economics Faculty, Sriwijaya University

The Faculty of Economics and Business of Unsoed signed a collaboration agreement with the Faculty of Economics of Sriwijaya University (UNSRI), which took place at the 5th Floor Laboratory Building on Wednesday (1/3). In this activity, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business along with the Vice Deans, the Heads of FEB UNSOED, […]

January 22, 2023

Students of FEB UNSOED Win an Essay Contest in Japan

Unsoed Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) student, Abdallah Faqieh Hamdan Hariri, won 1st place in the Japanese Essay Competition in Perfecture Kagawa, Japan. Faqieh, who is listed as a student of the International Class Accounting Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business Unsoed, is following the double degree program at Takamatsu University, […]

August 18, 2022

Seminar Program Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan (PPAk)

PPAk mengadakan kegiatan seminar yang bertema “Seminar presentasi joint International Research” di laksanakan Hari, tanggal, Senin, 1 Agustus 2022, seminar dilaksananakan di fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis, Gedung F. 107. Dengan pembicara Dr. rer. Pol. Rangga Handka, Ph.D  Beliau menjabat sebagai Associate Professor of Finance Institute for International Strategy Tokyo International University. Seminar ini di hadiri […]

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