The Economic Education Study Program is currently based on the assessment of BAN-PT DEPDIKNAS RI No. 0541 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / II / 2017 received a rating of “B” which is valid from February 9th, 2017 until February 9th, 2022.
Vision of the Economic Education Study Program:
In 2026, it will become a study program that produces excellent educators in developing and implementing local resource-based economic education in Central Java.
Mission of the Economic Education Study Program:
- Organizing and developing teaching and learning processes in the field of quality economic education and based on local resources.
- Organizing research activities that can support graduate competencies in the field of economic education based on local resources.
- Organizing community service activities that can implement the results of education and research based on local resources.
The objectives of the Economic Education Study Program:
- Producing graduates with main competencies as excellent educators and supporting competencies as researchers and entrepreneurs in the field of education who are adaptive to the surrounding environment, uphold moral and ethical values in action, are able to see the future (visionary) and have the ability to increase competitiveness.
- Creating a calm and orderly academic atmosphere in the implementation of the teaching and learning process that is adaptive to the surrounding environment
- Producing research and publications in the field of economic education that are adaptive to the surrounding environment.
- The implementation of community service activities in accordance with the needs of the surrounding community
- The implementation of cooperation with stakeholders in the context of developing the Study Program
Economic Education Study Program Curriculum
The higher education curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding content, study materials, and learning materials as well as how to deliver them, and assessments that are used as guidelines for implementing learning activities in higher education.
The Economic Education curriculum contains graduate competency standards that are structured into main, supporting and other competencies that support the achievement of goals, the implementation of the mission, and the realization of the vision of the Economic Education study program. The curriculum contains courses that support the achievement of graduate competencies and provide flexibility for students to broaden their horizons and deepen skills according to their interests, and is equipped with course descriptions, syllabus, learning plans and evaluations.
The curriculum must be designed based on its relevance to the objectives, scope and depth of material, organization that encourages the formation of hard skills and personality and behavioral skills (soft skills) that can be applied in various situations and conditions.
The curriculum structure in the Economic Education Study Program consists of compulsory and elective courses. The compulsory courses offered are tailored to the competencies to be achieved and are future oriented. The courses offered consist of educational and non-educational courses with the aim of providing a solid foundation for prospective graduates to become professional educators.
The number of PS credits (minimum for graduation) is 150 credits.
The curriculum structure based on the sequence of courses (MK) semester by semester is as follows:
Semester I:
- Pancasila Education (2sks)
- Religious Education (2sks) (Islamic Education Education, Catholic Religious Education, Hindu Religion Education, Buddhist Education Education)
- Unsoed Identity (2sks)
- Indonesian (2sks)
- English (2sks)
- Introduction to Education (3sks)
- Introduction to Management (3sks)
- Introduction to Business (3sks)
Semester II:
- Student Development (3sks)
- Sociology of Education (3sks)
- Citizenship Education (2sks)
- Mathematical Economics (3sks)
- Micro Economics (3sks)
- Computer Applications (2sks)
- Statistics 1 (3sks)
Semester III:
- Learning Strategy (3sks)
- Macroeconomics (3sks)
- Entrepreneurship (3sks)
- Ethics and Teaching Profession (3sks)
- Education Management (3sks)
- Introduction to Accounting (3sks)
- History of Economic Thought and Systems (3sks)
- Economics of Business Law (2sks)
Semester IV:
- Human Resource Management (3sks)
- Learning Media (3sks)
- Statistics 2 (3sks)
- Indonesian Economy (3sks)
- Organizational Behavior (3sks)
- Financial Management (3sks)
- Cooperatives and MSMEs (3sks)
- Marketing Management (3sks)
Semester V:
- Learning Design (3sks)
- Research Methodology (3sks)
- Corporate Accounting (3sks)
- Operational Management (3sks)
- Banks and Financial Institutions (3sks)
- Learning Evaluation (3sks)
- Business Communication * (2sks)
- Sharia Economics * (2sks)
Semester VI:
- Development Economics * (2sks)
- Project Evaluation * (2sks)
- Micro Teaching (3sks)
- KKN (3sks)
- Risk Management (2sks)
- Company Budget (3sks)
- Monetary Economics (3sks)
- Financial Statement Analysis (3sks)
- Strategic Management * (2sks)
- Capital Market * (2sks)
Semester VII:
- PPL (6sks)
- Taxation (3sks)
- Public Economics (2sks)
- International Economics (3sks)
- E-Commerce * (2sks)
- Industrial Economics * (2sks)
- Regional Economics * (2sks)
- Financial Accounting * (2sks)
Semester VIII:
- Final Project (Seminar, proposal, thesis, and education) (6sks)
Lecturer in Economic Education Study Program
- Prof. Dr. Suliyanto S.E., M.M.
- Dr. Haryadi MSc.
- Dr. Rahmad Santosa MS
- Sri Lestari SE,MM
- Dr. Ratno Purnomo S.E.,M.MSi.
- Lina Rifda Naufalin S.Pd. M.Pd.
- Prof. Dr. Pramono Hati Adi, M.S.
- Prof. Dr. Agus Suroso, M.S.
- Prof. Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D.
- Prof. Dra. Sri Murni Setyawati, M.M., Ph.D.
- Dra. Titi Nurfitri, M.M
- Drs. Bambang Sunarko,M.M
- Drs. Tohir, M.M
- Dr. Sudarto, M.E.
- Dr. Ade Banani, M.MS.
- Drs. Sigit Wibowo Dwi Nugroho, M.M.
- Dra. Sri Martini, M,Si.
- Dra. Suci Indriati, M.Si.
- Drs. Jaryono, M.SIE
- Drs. M.Arifin Mukti, M.M.
- Dr. E. Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, S.E., M.Si.
- Dr. Weni Novandari, S.E., M.M.
- Dr. Rahab, S.E., M.Sc.
- Dr. E. Najmudin, S.E., M.Si.
- Alisa Tri Nawarini, S.E., MBA.
- Sulistyandari, S.E., M.Si.
- Drs. Achmad Sudjadi, M.Sc., Ph.D
- Retno Widuri, S.E., M.Si.
- Dr. Dwita Darmawati, S.E., M.Si
- Dian Purnomo Jati, S.E., M.Sc
- Dr. Refius Pradipta Setyanto, S.e., M.Si.
- Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, S.E., M.Si.
- Dr. Adi Indrayanti, S.E., M.Si
- Dr. E. Ary Yunanto, S.E., M.Si
- Daryono, S.E., MAB.
- Dr. Ade Irma Anggraeni, S.E., M.Si.
- Dr. Intan Shaferi, S.E., M.Si.
- Chandra Suparno, S.E., M.Si.
Faculty of Economics and Business UNSOED Jl. Prof. Dr. H.R. Boenyamin No.708 Grendeng Purwokerto, Central Java INDONESIA 53122
No. Phone: (0281) 637970, 639643
No. Facsimile: (0281) 640268