On June 13 and 14, 2023, the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Law UNSOED, were visited offline by assessors from the FIBAA accreditation agency (Prof. Dr. Thomas Hermann, Prof. Dr. Gabriel Lentner, Prof. Dr. Selden Peter Schroeder, Prof. Dr. Sukirno DS., Dipl.-Jurist LL.M (UK) Niko Harig, Florentyna Deborah Born, Christiane Butler). After completing the Self Evaluation Report (SER) by the FIBAA Team for S1 Accounting, S1 Economics Development, S1 Management, and S1 Law, this visitation was completed. The contents of the FIBAA SER include general information, statistical data, positions, selection procedures, organizational structure, internal and external cooperation, facilities, and quality assurance.
On the first day of the visitation, the agenda is introduced the FIBAA team and Higher Education by Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Sodiq, M.Sc. agr. as Rector. In his short presentation, he explained the structure, objectives, vision and mission, and position of each study program in achieving the international strategy. After the presentation, the FIBAA team and study program representatives moved to the 6th floor of the Integrated Laboratory Building to attend a panel interview with FIBAA assessors. FIBAA interviewed lecturers and the quality assurance team in the third session on the first day. Furthermore, the first day of the FIBAA visitation event was closed with a campus tour (such as an integrated laboratory room, library, and Student Career Center (SCC)).
On the second day of the visitation, FIBAA Assessors conducted interviews with students and alumni. The online field assessment agenda was then closed by giving several suggestions by the FIBAA assessor team to FEB UNSOED, giving feedback and giving mementos to the assessors. The Faculty of Economics and Business UNSOED would like to thank: 1) All FEB UNSOED lecturers for their willingness to help provide the necessary completeness of the data. 2) All sources, including the finance, staffing, education, and equipment departments of the UNSOED Faculty of Economics and Business, have provided data. 3) All alumni, users, and students who have actively participated in providing the necessary information. 4) All parties cannot be mentioned individually for their various inputs, assistance, and contributions so that this online field assessment can be carried out correctly. Hopefully, this hard work that has been done can provide maximum benefits for the Faculty of Economics and Business UNSOED to improve the quality of education so that it can increase its competitiveness in the global arena and give benefit to the nation and state.