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No.Institution NameType of ActivityCollaboration PeriodBenefits
01BANK INDONESIAImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2008NowImplementation of collaborative activities in consumer surveys and public lectures about the Central Bank
02PEMKAB BanyumasImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2007NowImplementation of collaborative research activities related to regional investment feasibility studies
03RS Orthopedi PurwokertoImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfilling requests for experts and consulting in the field of accounting and information systems
04RS PKU Muh GombongImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfill the demand for experts in the field of accounting and information systems
05STIE Muh CilacapImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfilling the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, auditing, systems and taxation
06Universitas Pancasakti TegalImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, taxation and management
07STIE Muh PekalonganImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, taxation and management
08STIE SemarangImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, taxation and management
09STIE Islam BumiayuImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2011NowFulfill the demand for teaching staff for management and accounting majors
10Universitas PancasilaImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfill the demand for teaching staff in the field of accounting, auditing, systems and taxation
11STIE Atmabakti SoloImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfill the demand for teaching staff in the fields of accounting, auditing, systems and taxation
12Universitas PekalonganImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfilling the demand for teaching staff in the field of accounting and management
13UGMHR Improvement2007NowSending lecturers for Doctoral studies to UGM
14UNPADHR Improvement2007NowSending lecturers for Doctoral studies to UNPAD
15Universitas Batanghari JambiImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2011NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
16BRIScholarship2011NowProvides scholarships for undergraduate students
17ITBImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2011NowImplementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
18USUImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2011NowImplementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
19Pemda BrebesImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2011NowImplementation of collaborative research activities to calculate regional income potential
20PT. Swakarya Insan MandiriDistribution of Graduates2012NowDistribution of UNSOED graduates
21STIMIK AMIKOM PurwokertoImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowProviding support for teaching staff
22Pemkab. BanjarnegaraImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowImplementation of research and community service activities related to MSME development
23Yayasan  EPPATA AMPELGADING PemalangImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowThe implementation of community service activities related to community empowerment
24Yayasan Muhadi SetiabudiImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowImplementation of collaborative community service activities
25UNMUSImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education in the form of accepting Masters students
26UNISKAImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
27Pemkab CilacapImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
28Pemkab BanjarnegaraImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowImplementation of research and community service activities related to MSME development
29Pemkab PurworejoImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowImplementation of research and community service activities regarding a survey of regional income potential
30PT. MINORIGraduate Placement2012NowDistribution of UNSOED Graduates
31PT. FUJI BIJAK PRESTASIGraduate Placement2012NowDistribution of UNSOED Graduates  
32LPBJ AYUMIGraduate Placement2012NowDistribution of UNSOED Graduates
33UNWIKUImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2012NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education in terms of accepting Masters students
34PT. KOKUSAI KOMUNIKA INDONESIAGraduate Placement2012NowDistribution of UNSOED Graduates
35UNSIL TasikmalayaImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education in terms of helping teaching staff
36STIM Nitro Keuangan dan Perbankan MakasarImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
37Magistra Utama PurwokertoImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education in terms of helping teaching staff
38Pemkab. BatangImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowImplementation of research activities and community service
39Univ. Galuh CiamisImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education
40DIRJEN PAJAK JATENGTax Center Collaboration2013NowImplementation of activities related to taxation (training, seminars, research)
41YAYASAN PUPUK KALTIMImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
42SMA N 1 PurbalinggaImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
43RS. Wijaya kusumaImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
44Yayasan Pendidikan Vidya Dahana PatraImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
45SMP N 2 PurwokertoImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowThe implementation of collaborative activities in education, research and community service
46Pemkab. RembangImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2013NowRegional potential development activities carried out
47RS Orthopedi PurwokertoImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2009NowFulfill the request for Experts and consulting in the field of accounting and information systems
48Dompet DuafaImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Sharia and Halal Products Lab
49BRI SyariahImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Banking Laboratory
50BRI Artha LaksanaImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Banking Laboratory
51KOSUKUImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Entrepreneurship Laboratory
52Shapire GroupImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Property Laboratory
53MNC SekuritasImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Capital Market Laboratory
54PT. Nusa Berdaya IndonesiaImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Export Import Laboratory
55Kampung MarketerImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Digital Marketing Laboratory
56Inno CyrcleImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internships managed by the KUKM Laboratory
57PT. EbizImplementation of Higher Education’s Tri Dharma2019NowPracticum and Student Internship managed by the Computer Laboratory


According to the clause in the above-mentioned cooperation agreement with the institution, expired cooperation will be automatically extend if neither party objects.