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Office Administration study program is currently accredited “B”

Vision of the D3 Business Administration Study Program:

“To become a Vocational Education Institution that produces secretarial staff who are capable of handling office and archival work management appropriately and be competitive nationally, in 2026”.

Mission of the D3 Business Administration Study Program:

  1. Producing graduates who have skills in office work management who are competent and have noble character.
  2. Organizing a vocational DIII education program in the secretarial field with a curriculum that is adjusted to Indonesian national competency standards and qualification standards.
  3. Collaborating with the world of work to increase student knowledge and skills in the secretarial field.
  4. To collaborate in the development of the learning process with similar educational institutions and other institutions to improve the quality of learning and the quality of graduates.


List of courses in the Office Administration Study Program-D3:

  1. Pancasila Education
  2. Religion
  3. Citizenship
  4. Unsoed Identity
  5. Indonesian Language I
  6. English I
  7. Introduction to Economics
  8. Introduction to Business
  9. Introduction to Accounting I
  10. Type
  11. Statistics
  12. Management
  13. Organizational Theory and Leadership
  14. Indonesian II
  15. English II
  16. Introduction to Accounting II
  17. Taxation
  18. State Financial Administration
  19. Management information System
  20. Indonesian shorthand
  21. Indonesian Business Correspondent
  22. English III
  23. Computer I
  24. HR Management
  25. Secretarial Knowledge
  26. Banking
  27. Basic English Correspondent
  28. Civil / Business Law
  29. Records Management
  30. Office management
  31. Self-development
  32. British shorthand
  33. Computer II
  34. Human Relations
  35. Advanced English Correspondence
  36. Secretarial Practice
  37. Professional ethics
  38. Entrepreneurship
  39. Report Writing Techniques
  40. Marketing Techniques
  41. English At Work
  42. Japanese language
  43. Work Practices + Working Paper
  44. Comprehensive examination

The main competencies of graduates of the D3-Office Administration Study Program are as follows:

NoMain Competencies of GraduatesCourses
1Being religious, upholding human values to improve the quality of life in society, as a nation, as a state based on Pancasila, being proud and loving the country, having nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nationReligion
The Unsoed Self
2Mastering basic secretarial theories and being able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanioran values in accordance with the secretarial field.Office management
Secretarial Knowledge
Records Management
Secretarial Practice
Human Relations
3Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem solving in the secretarial field, based on the results of information and data analysis, as well as being able to maintain and develop networks both inside and outside the institution.Organizational Theory and Leadership
Human Resource Management
4Able to manage secretarial work and be responsible for the achievement of work results both independently and in groups; and able to conduct measurable supervision and evaluation of the completion of assigned work.Secretarial Knowledge
Secretarial Practice
Management Information Systems Management  

Supporting competencies for graduates of the D3 Office Administration Study Program are as follows:

1Religious, have a good personality and are able to work together as a teamReligion
Office management
2Commitment to the profession and completion of secretarial tasks in a professional mannerProfessional Ethics
Secretarial Practice
3Mastering theoretical concepts in the secretarial field in general, and able to formulate procedurally solving secretarial problemsOffice management
Records Management
4Able to manage secretarial work both independently and or in groups appropriately and responsiblyOrganizational Theory and Leadership
Human Relations
5Able to apply and utilize information and communication technology in the secretarial fieldComputer Typing Stenography
English Correspondence
6Able to develop themselves innovatively in their professional fields through entrepreneurial activities based on local resourcesSelf-development
Introduction to Business
Introduction of accounting
Introduction to Economics
Marketing Techniques
7Able to evaluate and assessment of the results in a measurable and consistent mannerStatistics
Report writing technique
Civil / Business Law

List of Lecturers Office Administration Study Program-D3:

Saryono Hanadi, SH, MH

Slamet Riyadi, S.S., M.Pd

Warsidi, S.E, M.Si, Ak

Tiladela Luhita, S.E, M.Si

Drs. Goro Binardjo, M.Si

Rini Widianingsih, S.E, M.Acc, Ak

Retno Kurniasih, S.E, M.Si

Ratna Setyawati Gunawan, S.E, M.Si

Meutia Karunia Dewi, S.E, M.Si

Dra. Emmy Saraswati, M.S

Sri Nani Hari Yanti, S.S., M.Hum

Drs. Ashari, M.Pd

Rosdiana Puspita sari, S.S., M.Hum

Bivit Anggoro Prasetyo Nugroho, M.Pd

Ulul Huda, S.Pd.I., M.Si

Prestisila Katika Putri, S.E., M.Si

Drs. Sigit Wibowo Dwi Nugroho, M. M.

Sri Hartini, SH, MH

Sukirman, S.H., M.Hum

Sri Lestari, SE, M.Si

MI Wiwik Yuni Hastuti, SH, MH

Drs. Tohir, M.M

Drs. Rasyid Mei Mustafa, M.M, Ak

Drs. Oke Setiarso, M.Si

Drs. Noor Asyik, M.Ag

Drs. Herman Sambodo, M.P

Drs. Bambang Sunarko, M.M

Drs. Amber Lumbantoruan, M.Si, Ak

Dra. Titi Nurfitri, M.M

Dra. Nunik Kadarwati, M.Si

Drs. Hary Pudjianto MM.

Dra. Irianing Suparlinah, M.Si, Ak

Dra. Atiek Sri Purwati, M.Si, Ak., CA

Dr. Adi Wiratno, M.M, Ak

Umi Pratiwi, S.E, M.Si, Ak

Drs. Sukiman, MP

Drs. Sugiarto, M.Si, Ak

Drs. Sudjono, M.Si, Ak

Drs. Mafudi, M.Si, Ak

Drs. Jaryono, M.S.I.E

Dr. Weni Novandari, S.E, M.M

Drs. HM. Darman

Dra. Permata Ulfah, M.Si, Ak


Faculty of Economics and Business UNSOED Prof. Dr. H.R. Boenyamin Street No.708 Grendeng Purwokerto, Central Java INDONESIA 53122

Telephone Number : (0281) 637970

Facsimile Number : (0281) 640268