Wednesday, November 9, 2022, a National Webinar event was held with the theme “Prospects of In Vitro Culture-Based Creative Economy Product Development” by the Matching Fund Research Team Unsoed 2022 in collaboration with Brother Indonesia. In this webinar, we invite Sugiyono, S, Si.Ph.D., a lecturer at the Faculty of Biology UNSOED and Hatta Hatnansya Yunus, S.STP., M, Si who is the Head of the Central Java Province Cooperative and UKM Training Center as speakers.

Dr. Yanuar E. Restianto, SE, M.Acc, Ak, CA, CPA, Head of the Matching Fund Research Team in his speech, with the title “Development of Microfloriculture-Based Creative Economy Products to Support Ecotourism and Downstreaming of the Digital Economy” said that this webinar is one of a series of from the Matching Fund Unsoed 2022 program which was held to introduce in vitro culture products and product prospects in the market in general.

First speaker, Sugiyono, S, Si. Ph.D. said microfloriculture is a small ornamental and horticultural plant group that can produce beauty, beauty, and comfort in the room. This microfloriculture is made using In Vitro Culture technique. Examples of plants that can be used are aglonema, love waves, and sugar cane: potatoes, beans, and kidney beans. Second speaker, Hatta Hatnansya Yunus, S.STP., M, Si said that this microfloriculture has excellent potential and economic value. Mr. Hatta also explained that there was a lot of government assistance, both direct and indirect, in the form of grants, opportunities, partnerships, and others. In addition, there are many more discussions about tips and tricks for managing a business, especially for companies engaged in the creative economy.

The webinar was attended by 124 participants who were very enthusiastic about the topics discussed. This webinar aims to introduce various microfloriculture products to consumers and broaden students’ and lecturers’ knowledge regarding the market for innovative economic products, especially products based on microfloriculture.